Associate’s Degree Programs
Learning Outcomes for the Associate in Arts and Associate in Science Degrees
- Students will be able to generate and comprehend written communication through writing coherent expository, persuasive, critical and analytic essays, and through reading and analyzing literature. Students will demonstrate organizational and research skills which will allow them to locate, analyze, and synthesize information.
- Students will be able to recognize and solve linear and quadratic equations. Students will be able to recognize, solve, and graph linear, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Students will learn how to organize and graph statistical data. Students will learn how to use a computer to solve problems, and will learn basic computer programming.
- Students will be able to summarize and follow the steps of the scientific method. Students will compare the different research methods interpreting empirical data from each. Students will learn how to search the scientific literature.
- Students will be able to identify ideas, institutions, and philosophies in a cultural context (past and present) that differs from their own. Students will be able to explain social, political, economic, and cultural conflict and critique the widely varying methods of conflict resolution.
- Students will be able to analyze and differentiate among different human cultures. Students will learn to recognize outstanding forms of human expression as seen in the arts, music, literature, theatre, and/or film. Students will be able to articulate and assess their personal ethical principles and understand the consequences of their actions and choices.
Associate in Arts and Associate in Science Degrees
The Salkehatchie campus of the University of South Carolina offers the Associate in Arts degree and the Associate in Science degree to those students who have earned 60 hours of credit approved by the dean of the Salkehatchie campus. Note: Developmental courses may not be used for credit toward any degree at USC. These degrees are awarded to those students who have completed the following requirements:
Required Courses |
Semester Hours |
A.A. |
A.S. |
ENGL 101, 102* |
6 |
6 |
Numerical and Analytical Reasoning, e.g., MATH 111 or higher, CSCE, |
3 |
6** |
ACCT 225-226, MGSC 291, statistics, PHIL 110-111 |
3 |
8 |
Natural Sciences, e.g., ASTR, BIOL, CHEM, GEOG 201/202, GEOL, MSCI, PHYS |
Social and Behavioral Sciences, e.g., ANTH, ECON, GEOG (excluding 201/202), |
6 |
6 |
GINT, HIST, PSYC, SOCY, and WOST 111, 112, and 113 |
Humanities and Fine Arts, e.g. AFRO, ART, ENGL 200 or higher, |
9 |
3 |
foreign language, MUSC, RELG, PHIL (excluding 110, 111), SPCH, WOST 111, THSP |
Electives or ongoing degree requirements |
33 |
31 |
60 |
60 |
*Must have grade of C or higher in ENGL 101, 102
**Must include 3 hours of MATH excluding 221, 222
In addition to the requirements stated above, a student must also:
1. obtain a 2.00 GPA (does not include course grades earned by challenge examinations);
2. earn the last 15 semester hours at a USC campus.
Many students who enter the Associate in Art or the Associate in Science degree programs intend to apply these credits toward a baccalaureate degree awarded by another campus or institution. These students are advised to work closely with an academic advisor to outline a program of study that will meet preliminary requirements of the four-year major they wish to pursue. Of particular importance is completion of general education requirements. USC Columbia requires 31 general education credit hours and a student planning to pursue a USC Columbia baccalaureate degree must complete these hours. These hours can be incorporated within in the 60 hours required for an AA or AS degree. Applying for an associate’s degree does not in any manner affect eligibility to apply for a baccalaureate degree, and vice versa.
Baccalaureate Degree Programs
Many students who enter the Associate in Arts or the Associate in Science degree programs intend to apply these credits toward a baccalaureate degree awarded by another institution. These students are advised to work closely with their advisor to outline a program of study for the first two years that will meet preliminary requirements of the four-year major they wish to pursue.
Academic Programs
Students enrolled at USC Salkehatchie can complete the requirements for four bachelor’s degree programs that are formally awarded by other institutions.
Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
The Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education program is conducted in partnership with USC Aiken. The core requirements are completed as USC Salkehatchie courses. The upper-level courses can also be completed at the USC Salkehatchie campus but are USC Aiken courses taught by USC Aiken faculty.
Degree Requirements
Bachelor of Arts in Education - Major in Elementary Education
The Elementary Education Program provides preparation for teaching in public school grades 2-6. Each candidate is given practical experience with children of different age levels and in different types of public school settings.
1. General Education Requirements (54-56)
A. Skills and Competencies1 (21-23)
English 1012 and 1022 Composition/Composition and Literature (6)
AMTH 2212, 2222 (6)
ACOM 2012 or 2412 (3)
Languages3 (6-8)
B. Methods and History of Disciplines4 (33)
ABIO 122 or BIOL 110, and AGLY 201, APHY 101 (12)
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Geography 101, 102, 103, or 424 (3)
Select one of the following: Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, Political Science (3)
AHST 201 or 202 (3)
Choose 6 hours from two of the following fields: AARH, AMUS 173 or 175, ATHE 161
History of Civilization (AHST 101 or AHST 102) (3)
APLS 201 (3)
2. Professional Education Requirements2 (71)
AEDC 210 or 110L, 342 (4)
AEDF 321, AEDP 330, 235 (9)
AEDR 218, AEDX 200, AEDL 430 (9)
AHPR 331, 455 (6)
Junior Block:
AEDL 432, 432P, 434, 441, AEDR 420, 420P (14)
Senior Block:
AEDL 431, 431P, 443, 443P, 445, AEDR 421 (14)
Internship: AEDL 470, 476 (150
3. Subject Area Requirement (English above 250) (3)
4. General Electives (0-2)
Total hours (130)
1 For undergraduate writing proficiency, see “Proficiency Portfolio in Writing” in the USC Aiken bulletin.
2 Must have C or better.
3 Two semesters of the same language. See degree program requirements for language study.
4 At least 3 hours must be in non-Western world studies.
5 For a list of courses that will meet the humanities general education requirement, see USC Aiken bulletin.
The Junior Block, Senior Block, and Internship are sequential. A grade of C or better is required in all courses as a prerequisite for enrollment in coursework at the next level.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing is conducted in partnership with the College of Nursing at USC Columbia. General education and lower-level courses (first two years) are completed as USC Salkehatchie courses. Upper-level nursing courses are offered on the USC Salkehatchie campus through USC Columbia, with most clinical practice in local hospitals and clinics.
Palmetto Programs
Palmetto Programs, housed in the Division of Extended University in Columbia, is an umbrella through which Regional Campuses students have broader access to baccalaureate opportunities. Palmetto Programs was created to enable place-bound students to complete selected baccalaureate degrees without leaving the Regional Campuses. The use of distance education provides baccalaureate-level courses to students whose family or employment obligations prevent them from relocating to complete a degree.
Faculty members from Lancaster, Salkehatchie, Sumter, and Union, as well as Extended University in Columbia, use two-way interactive video and other technology-assisted delivery to teach students at multiple sites simultaneously. This delivery mechanism gives students access to many more course options in addition to those available live on their campuses.
Two degrees are available through Palmetto Programs. The Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies (BLS) is a broad-based degree that draws on multiple disciplines and allows students to choose their focal areas. The Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership (BOL) focuses on preparing students for leadership roles in government, non-profit, and business settings.
For information on admission to the BLS or BOL degree, contact your advisor or the person on your campus who heads academic affairs or review respective programs of study at the following links:
- Liberal Studies, B.A.
- Organizational Leadership, B.A.
Bachelor of Arts in Technology Support and Training Management
The Bachelor of Arts in Technology Support and Training Management is conducted in partnership with the College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management. General education and lower-level courses (first two years) are completed at USC Salkehatchie. Upper-level TSTM courses are offered via distance education from the College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management on the USC Columbia Campus. The degree is awarded by USC Columbia.
- Integrated Information Technology, B.S.
Baccalaureate Degrees Available at the University of South Carolina
Since the USC Salkehatchie campus is part of the University of South Carolina, students utilizing USC Salkehatchie most often enroll at the other USC campuses to complete baccalaureate degrees.
These students are strongly advised to obtain the bulletin for the campus they plan to attend when determining specific degree requirements. Preliminary course work toward the following USC degree programs may be completed at USC Salkehatchie:
Arts and Sciences
African American Studies
Art Education
Art History
Art Studio
Biological Sciences
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Foreign Languages
Interdisciplinary Studies
International Studies
Latin American Studies
Marine Science
Media Arts
Political Science
Religious Studies
Theatre and Speech
Women’s Studies
Business Administration
Business Economics
Insurance and Risk Management
Management Science
Real Estate
Early Childhood Education
Elementary Education
Physical Education
Secondary Education
(for other areas of study at USC Columbia, see “Liberal Arts,” below)
Engineering and Computing
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Information Systems
Computer Science
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management
Administrative Information Management
Interdisciplinary Studies
Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management
Sport and Entertainment Management
Mass Communications and Information Studies
Broadcast Journalism
Public Relations
Jazz Studies
Music Education
Music Performance
Music Theory
Piano Pedagogy
Public Health
Exercise Science
Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior |